My Learning Insights: Smart Learning Analytics Services for Corporate L&D

Skills Analysis

One of the biggest challenges for companies is the need to upskill and reskill their workforce to prepare for the future of work and the future of business.

In order to build a solid strategy and monitor the development of skills, My Learning Insights has a dedecited section for skills. It presents your full skills hierarchy or taxonomy split per proficiency level to show the total learning hours recorded for each skill-proficiency level combination, as well as the % compared to the total recorded learning hours. This will allow you to monitor what skills at what level are being build in which parts the organization, and if these are the skills & levels you expect or require.

If you have a skill hierarchy with multiple levels, My Learning Insights will enable you to drill down to the lowest level available to provide you with the right level of detail you need.

The Roadmap for Skills Analysis

My Learning Insights is working to expand and improve your ability to monitor skill gaps and skill development.

Later in 2021 we will have the ability to add results of not only skills assessment but also skills targets. By job familiy and level, by organization and even bij person. This will allow insights into very detailed skill gap data and will provide you with the possibility to monitor how well these skill gaps are being closed over time!

Key Dependencies

Please note that in order to be able to fully use the skills insights from My Learning Insights, you must have the right data available, including a well structured skills taxonomy, learning objects that are tagged with these skills, and ideally learning objects that are also tagged to a proficiency level.

If you have doubts, questions or need help, let us know by completing the contact form.

You can also look at an inspirational blog from the founder of SLT Consulting Peter Meerman on how to build a content strategy that optimizes not only the creation of through personalized learning experiences, but also allows you to analyze skills building in much more detail.